Augsburg News

News Archives - 2009

Alternative spring break—homelessness and hunger

MARCH 13, 2009

Picture of Rachel CorrieMarie Sager has different spring break plans than most Auggies. Instead of heading home for the week or taking a trip to a sunny beach, Sager will spend her time in Minneapolis participating in Augsburg's third annual "Minneapolis Alternative Spring Break."

But even this has changed for 2009.

"In the past, it was more of a chance to get to know Minneapolis," Sager said. "This is the first year we have a theme."

The theme this year is "Homelessness and Hunger," and from March 16-18, participants can take part in one or all of the free events, including volunteer work, a dinner out and trip to the Science Museum of Minnesota, or even a tour of Simpson House. Alternative Spring Break is sponsored by the Center for Service, Work, and Learning, Campus Ministry, and LINK.

Sager is looking forward to Monday's event, which gives students an opportunity to experience a day in the life of a homeless person.

"We all have our perceived notions of who a homeless person is," she said. "So I think that this could break some of the stereotypes and learn who the people are on the side of the road saying, 'Please give me money.'"

However, without more students getting involved, the Monday event will be cancelled. Sager said in order to do the day in the life of a homeless person, at least ten people would have to sign up. Right now, there are only five.

Registration is still open and is as easy as sending an email to Sager said the deadline to sign up for the homeless experience is Sunday, but the group would accept registration for any of the other events through Monday.

"This is a great opportunity for people to come out and help someone, do something for free, and have a few free meals in the process," Sager said.

Schedule of Events


Peace House 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m. (meet upstairs in Christensen)
Tutoring at Trinity 3:30-5:30 p.m. (go to Trinity)
Dinner and Science Museum 5 p.m. (meet in the Christensen)


Tutoring at Trinity 3:30-5:30 p.m. (go to Trinity)


Peace House 11-1:30 p.m. (meet upstairs in Chirstensen)
Senior Delivering 3-5:30 p.m. (meet upstairs in Christensen)
Homeless video 3:30-4:30 p.m. (meet in SCI 123)
Tutoring at Trinity 3:30-5:30 p.m. (go to Trinity)

Article by Mark Heise

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